Brand Guide


The North Florida College brand represents who we are and who we want to be. With a clear, strong brand, the greater our ability to effectively connect with students who believe in our mission and vision. This foster’s NFC’s ability to recruit students who want to be a part of our culture, retain students to complete a degree or workforce certificate, and encourage alumni support.

The Office of Communications maintains and protects the NFC brand.

The Brand and Style Guide represents the College’s brand identity to promote a positive image and increases awareness of the college to external and internal audiences. We support individual and departmental efforts to strategically share information about NFC services and programs.

Brand Story

Logo and Colors Guidelines

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Social Media Guidelines

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Typography and Treatments

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Stationary, Email Signatures and PowerPoint

NFC Mascot

Since North Florida College’s name change in 2019, previously North Florida Community College, a methodical effort was taken to rebrand the image of the College, including its mascot. After many years of anticipation, the NFC Sentinel is now represented by three distinct characters: The Horse, Spaniard, and Halberd.

Approved during the NFC Board of Trustees meeting on November 21, 2023, and revealed to faculty and staff on January 5, 2024, the new mascot is the personification of what an NFC Sentinel represents: preparation, strength, and confidence. The mascot is symbolic of cherished Florida and local history, coupled with NFC pride and tradition.

NFC will ask alumni, students, faculty, and staff to help name each character represented. If you are an NFJC, NFCC, or NFC alumni and would like to help name the mascot, please email your contact information to the NFC Foundation at


Hope that big dreams can be achieved through a series of small steps. North Florida College is a place of many firsts - first generation students and first strides to the opportunities of tomorrow.

We deliver a modern education experience across a campus that feels like home. We are bound together for community and push boundaries to create a better quality of life. To hold fast and to further the dreams of those who seek to better themselves. Because education is the guardian against stagnation. And when you pass through our walls, you will leave different than you arrived. Sentinels stand together.

Best Practices

All photography and videography should tell a story, representative of real-life moments and showcase our unique students, campus, and events.

Official photography and videography should:

  • Highlight the attributes of NFC’s brand to feel authentic.
  • Depict actual NFC experiences.
  • Avoid stock photography, unless necessary. If using stock photography, the image(s) must be purchased or already property of NFC. Copying of images through an internet search is not allowed and is considered copyright infringement.
  • Avoid logos from other institutions of higher learning or major brands.
  • Include a photography/videography release (link to photo release form)

All requests for professional and paid photography and videography used to market the College and recruit students must come through the Office of Communications.