Academic Dishonesty

NFC is committed to the concept of offering a high-quality educational experience to every student. The College strives to build meaningful and productive relationships with students, and the expectation of honesty and effort is the foundation of that relationship. NFC students are expected to commit themselves to the highest standards of honesty in all their academic endeavors. Any violation of that expectation is considered a serious offense against the principles and objectives of learning and growth at NFC. Academic dishonesty, in all its forms, is a serious breach of the College’s Student Code of Conduct. It is damaging to the learning relationships built between the student and his/her instructors and may also cast doubt on all of the student’s academic efforts.

Types of Dishonesty

  • Cheating, plagiarism, collusion, and academic misconduct

Penalties for Academic Dishonesty

All instances of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, at which time a hold will be placed on the student’s account until the penalty phase is completed. Any student suspected of violating the academic honor code will first be contacted by the instructor to set up a meeting to discuss the violation and the associated penalties followed by a meeting with the Vice President. If the student fails to meet with the instructor and/or the Vice President, a written report of the alleged violation of the Student Code of Conduct (see College Catalog) will also be submitted to the Director of Advising & Retention. The report constitutes a formal charge and the student is subject to additional penalties. The penalties imposed upon a student who violates the academic honor code are as follows:

  1. First Offense. The College will work with the student after the first academic honor code violation to ensure that the student completely understands the seriousness of the violation and is equipped with learning strategies and skills to avoid future violations. Students who violate the academic honor code for the first time will
    • Receive a score of “0” on the assignment
    • Attend an academic honesty workshop led by the Office of Academic and Student Affairs
    • Sign an acknowledgment form and pledge to abide by the Academic Honor Code henceforth.
  1. Second Offense. A second academic honor code violation is treated much more severely. Students who violate the academic honor code for the second time will
    • Receive a grade of “F” for the course
    • Be placed on Academic Probation for one full semester
    • Lose eligibility to participate in NFC-sponsored extracurricular activities for one semester
    • Dual-enrolled students will be permanently removed from all dual enrollment opportunities at NFC.
  1. Third Offense. Students who violate the academic honor code for the third time will
    • Receive a grade of “F” for the course
    • Be administratively withdrawn from remaining NFC courses in progress and placed on suspension for the current term and the next full term
    • Serve one full semester on probation upon return to NFC.

Instructor Procedure for Academic Dishonesty

  1. Instructor must complete the Alleged Academic Dishonesty Form.
  2. Instructor must meet with the student to discuss the violation, obtain student signature on the form, and advise student of his/her responsibility to make an appointment with the Office of Academic and Student Affairs within 5 weekdays. If the course is a virtual course, correspondence between instructor and student can be by email; the instructor must include email correspondence with submission of the Alleged Academic Dishonesty Form to the Office of Academic Affairs.
  3. Instructor must submit completed form and evidence of alleged dishonest (i.e. Turnitin Report) to the Office of Academic and Student Affairs; once the form is received, a hold will be placed on the student’s account. 

Office of Academic and Student Affairs Procedure for Academic Dishonesty

  1. When the student contacts the office for an appointment, make sure appointment is with the Vice President or another appointed official.
  2. Prepare packet for VP with the following items: all documentation provided by instructor, Academic Honor Code Violation Form, and Academic Dishonesty Workshop handout.
  3. Once the meeting is complete, release hold on account, use current date, save and update the Excel spreadsheet.
  4. If student does not contact or come to the Office of Academic and Student Affairs within five weekdays, a report of student code of conduct violation is initiated. Contact Philip Wilkerson to initiate a Student Code of Conduct violation.

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